Prince William's Children and Their Musical Preferences

The children of British Prince William are closely watched by the whole world. Their parents, however, try to ensure their privacy as much as possible and speak very cautiously about their offspring. Now, Kate and William have shared with fans how much their sons George and Louis differ.

The children of British Prince William are closely watched by the whole world. Their parents, however, try to ensure their privacy as much as possible and speak very cautiously about their offspring. Now, Kate and William have shared with fans how much their sons George and Louis differ. Prince William and his wife Kate have a total of three adorable children. Wherever George (10), Charlotte (8), and Louis (5) appear, they are the stars of the show. Nevertheless, the royal family tries to ensure them as normal a life as possible and carefully guards their privacy. Occasionally, harmless information about the children's privacy leaks to the public. For example, the ten-year-old George is a big fan of the band AC/DC. On the other hand, five-year-old Louis prefers a completely different style of music, as reported by The Mirror. William spoke about his sons' musical taste backstage at the Earthshot Prize awards. The future king spoke with the band One Republic, who performed at the event. 'I can't thank you enough. You were amazing. Louis, my youngest, loves your songs,' he said. Kate and William's oldest child prefers rougher music. In addition to AC/DC, George also likes bands like Led Zeppelin, his father admitted. However, there is reportedly also a musician that all three royal children agree on. DJ Jax Jones has boasted in the past that his music is popular with George, Charlotte, and Louis. 'I met the Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace at the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee, where I performed, and it was amazing. He told me that his children love my music, and I joked that I would perform at their birthdays,' Jax told HELLO! magazine. The royal children also appeared in public at Christmas. The youngest, Louis (12/2023), especially touched the fans.
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